Social Networks

facebook-logo1While there are many social networking sites online, the most popular at the moment is facebook. Facebook has been in the news frequently as it struggles to balance privacy issues with its business plan (making money from your data). The general rule of thumb is not to share personal information online, but this is exactly what you are doing on facebook or other sites like it. It's easy to see why many students enjoy spending time on social networks, but it is important to set up your account properly- with parent permission. The following series of videos may help, but please be aware that facebook and other sites constantly update their privacy settings and you must read and understand what you are sharing and who you are actually sharing with. Even if you set up your facebook page and keep your photos, etc. private, be sure to let your friends know how you feel about having other images tagged with your name on their pages.

Any social network, be it facebook, Google+, meebo, chat, all have profiles and privacy settings. Be aware of the controls you have and what information you are sharing and with whom.

This is the most recent video I could find about facebook settings; these tend to change all the time, so be aware that if you use FaceBook, you will have to keep up with privacy setting changes.

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