So what do I do?

What you need to do/turn in:

Front page: one thoughtful blog comment comparing the 3 videos

About page: Be sure to read the tips on how to make a good blog comment. Please make 2 comments, one about the pdf: comment on the statistics given. Do they surprise you? Do you think they give a realistic view of your media use? Watch the video, comment: Can students effectively multitask (listen to music, text, watch TV, do homework)?

Internet Safety: Watch the 3 embedded videos and the powerpoint.  Your blog comment should address the videos- how to stay safe online and address the powerpoint - what do the statistics tell us.

Cyberbullying: Watch the videos, read the article and comment on the roles of the bystander, the bully and the victim. See if you can take 3 different perspectives.

Sexting : Read the short excerpt from CBS News and watch the videos. Comment on any potential risks involved in sexting. Comment on how/should parents monitor their teenager's cell phone, etc.

Media Awareness

  • Watch the 2 videos and check out the image quizzes below them.

  • Post a thoughtful comment on what you learned about media.

Social Networks Nothing to turn in, informational only.

Digital Footprint Watch the 3 videos. Check the link and infographic to learn more about how companies and colleges look at your digital footprint. check the websites at the bottom of the page and find out what information is currently online about you. Comment on your current personal digital footprint and what you can do to change or improve it.

Games: Nothing to turn in. You may play around with these if all of your other work is completed

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