Digital Footprints

Every time you go online you are leaving traces, digital footprints. This is not all bad, but you need to know and control your digital footprint. Watch these videos and check out the websites below to help you learn more.
Digital Footprint Animation CC: by,nc,sa

Click on the image to learn more about how college admissions use facebook;

Infographic from :

Check these sites:

What does your digital footprint look like?
Google yourself
Use pipl to search for online information about yourself
Use 123people to check for online information about yourself

Digital Footprint Watch the 3 videos. Check the link and infographic to learn more about how companies and colleges look at your digital footprint. check the websites at the bottom of the page and find out what information is currently online about you. Comment on your current personal digital footprint and what you can do to change or improve it.

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