Thursday, September 29, 2011

Internet Safety- Facts vs. Myths

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This blog is a place to learn about internet safety, explore the myths, uncover the facts and discuss what it means to stay safe online today. How can we learn to use the internet as a tool? What do students today need to be aware of when they are online?

Please blog and compare what you learned from the 2 videos below to the video shown in class.



  1. This video was a little bit disturbing. It made me want to never want to go on world-wide chats.

  2. the 1st video the wired safety one is much more accurately informative and much more realistic although it doesn't have much emotional impact on me so I wasn't as affected. the Predator video wasn't quite as realistic because predators don't actually lie that often but had way more emotional impact on me and since the kid is my age I was a lot more affected cause it was very creepy.

    I was surprised at what I saw when I watched the Wired Safety video. Before watching the video I had always assumed that most online sexual predators were creepy old men (or woman!) who always have a six-pack of beer nearby. when I learned that most sexual predators don't lie about their age, I was very interested. I was also surprised that most teens who are targetted by online sexual predators aren't worried or frightened, but simply block them and move on. I was amazed by how different the Predator video was from the first video that I saw. I feel like in the Predator video, the creators were just trying to frighten me and worry about the facts later. It almost reminded me of how in my granmother's time, the only childrens' stories that existed were to frighten kids into being good. I felt like the first video that I watched (Wired Safety) was both more informative and more useful than the Predator video.

  4. I think that this video was disturbing, and it made me think about chatting in chat rooms, though I don't do that anyway. Though it's not very realistic, as you find out by taking the test, it still scares you. It made me never want to go out and meet a person I didn't know from the internet!!

  5. I'm surprised on the first video that the primary mode for sexual predators was false. My parents taught me that online predators would usually pretend to be a person much younger than their normal age. But the second video was an old man pretending to be a 16 year old girl. The two videos were different because the first video told you that sexual predators didn't pretend to be another age, but in the second video, the old man did pretend to be an age much, much, much younger. The first video would tell facts and the second video shows what could happen if you met someone you don't know from the internet.

  6. Though these two videos are conveying the same message, they convey in very different manners. The first video, the power point, is very realistic and gives you the real facts and real threats. The power point tells you that most online predators do not in fact lie or be deceptive about their age or looks or lie about why they want to meet. But the video conveys the message that all predators are deceptive and will trick you to into believing them. The video sort of scares you into being safe on the internet and gives you the stereotype, while the other one gives you the truth.

  7. Both of these videos tell us the truth we often forget while chatting with friends online: you could be talking to anyone. While the power point was full of information and statistics, the second video told more of a story. While they are both excellent resources for learning, I think that people will remember the second video more than the statistics. The video captures the raw emotion of what actually happens, while when I watched the power point, I felt more distant and disconnected from what it was trying to convey.

  8. I thought that the video that was real with people was more about what you can do if this happens to you and the other video was about what will happen and who might be on the other computer. The wired safety video is also a little bit more about how these sexual predators can get into your mind and obtain your trust.

  9. I think that the first video (the one with the quiz) made me think and and stated a lot of facts and information, where as the second one (the one with the creepy old man chasing the teenage guy) really scared me and weirdly it made me think more than the first one with all the facts did. After watching the first one I felt more informed but after watching the second one I felt scared and like I should really be careful online.

  10. this was an odd and strange video, but it was a very infomitive video and it was a good quiz even though it was simpe, it made you think.

  11. I think the first video was more for ten to twelve year olds, so it doesn’t there them as much as the second video. The second video was more for teenagers. It is kind of a creepy video. The second video was more to tell you the truth when you go to meet somebody that you only know online. The video was to tell you about the dangers of the Internet. It is also telling you that you could be in danger if you go and meet someone at the mall or the library or anywhere else. You should never trust someone that you don’t know very well or at all. The first video was to show you what could lie on the other side of the cute blond girl or the pretty boy. They could just be luring you into a trap to sexually harass you or kidnap and kill you. Sadly those are the dangers of the Internet.

  12. This video was a lot more factual. It explained to me what happens actually behind the keyboard! Although this was probably meant for adults, so that the parents could explain to their kids about sexual predetors.

  13. When i saw the cartoon, i was not as effective as the other one.
    Maybe because it was a cartoon. I don't know. Also the music in the other one (the one that had the kid and his principle) was MUCH more effective.l It was all ominis and stuff!

  14. this video was helpful, but the other one had actors and seemed to teach me the lesson in a interesting point of view. This is what happens, as the other video is less accurate on the meeting. In the other it says the meaning for the meeting is a lie.

  15. In the videos one with the cartoon and the other with the creepy old guy chasing the 14 year old i think the creepy guy one got more to the point and the cartoon one was just kind of funny. But in the one with the creepy guy looked a little bit fake because the police ran so slowly it was like they were like i need to go save that kid but i need a coffee from starbucks first.

  16. I think the first video is trying to make a point that some people that you talk to you online aren't what you think . some of them are old weird creepy men. The second video is just plain creepy! They are trying to show that some people that are behind the computor are not good people there is always that chance that they could be preditors!

  17. The message both of these videos are trying to tell is very similar but the way they are presented is very different. The first video (wired safety) is presented in a power point and used with cartoons to show you where as the second video used with actual people it is more affective because it it seems more realistic. The first video tells what could happen if there was a sexual predator out there talking to you and the second one shows you.

  18. The video with the kid and his principal was defiantly the most effective, the reason being that the cartoon is just disgusting, with the ugly fat guy pretending to be nice teenage kid. The non-cartoon one is most likely to scare you into doing what is "right". This might not be the best way to get people to do something, but it does work...

  19. I think that you all are doing a great job and learning some very important information. Keep up the great work. M

  20. most people are safe on the inter net it is a few people are not safe on the inter net. the people who are not safe usually are sexily active or have problems and the predators give the person what they want at home

  21. I think that the quiz video was very surprising that most of the people meeting with sexual predators weren't lied to. But they were the same in that both the teens were lied to about how the predator really looked, the computer graphic girl and the boy. They also both were planning on going to meet with them. That is really scary to think that what was portrayed in the video can actually happen and not just acted out for an assignment.

  22. I think that the videos were targeted for very different audiences. The predator video was more for children while the wired safety was more for parents. The wired safety was more factual and discredited a lot of urban myths about internet safety. The predator video was more a story about the stereo type of online predators. I think the predator video was more effective warning me about internet safety, but the wired safety video was more truthful.

  23. It's nice to see our 7th graders being so thoughtful on this topic.

  24. I think that it's a good way to show us to be more careful online. When we think we're safe we're actually not.

  25. The video shows an exaggeration of what might happen, which makes some people paranoid. The slideshow shows the truth behind all the hyperbole in the media. The slideshow is better in my opinion because it shows the real thing.

  26. To tell you the truth I thought that this video was disturbing. I never what to go on one single chat room ever. Maybe apart for Face book. also ever since we have been talking about internet safety, I have become a little paranoid.

  27. I thought that this video was very intense, but it sure does teach you about internet safety, and how careful you have to be!!!!!

  28. I think that the first video is more affective and made me listen more carefully because I knew there was going to be a quiz at the end but I liked watching the second video more. I liked it more because it was more of a video.

  29. i thought that the video was a bit disturbing, i mean what does the fat guy have against the kid so badly as to beat him up? the sideshow was more oriented toward parents, because it said "...and we send our children there willingly...", but they were both unrealistic, according to the sideshow because they were both older than they said they were. both were pretty weird

  30. I would say the first video, "Internet Safety", would make the most impression. It was scarier and a bit repulsive but it certainly made me not want to internet "chat." The second, "Wired Safety" worked equally as well, but the slides did not make you feel as uncomfortable. This might be better for younger kids. I did not realize most predators don't lie about their age.

  31. I thought this was a well done video, it was a little too 'real' at times, but it helped get the point across about the real danger there is with online predators.

  32. I think that the internet safety one is for the people who won't look at questions or need something visual to look at not words to understand how dangerous it is.

  33. I was quite surprised to see that most sexual predators don't pretend to be a different age than they actually are. I was always under the impression that people would try and trick people and lure them in by pretending to be pretty or hot. It was surprising to find out that the predators are usually straight forward about what they want.

  34. I thought the first video (not the slide show) was a little disturbing. It gets the message across but in a pretty scary way. The slide show showed sexual predators in a different way it had a little bit of creepiness but not very much because the video was animation. The quiz made the situation seem a lot more safe then it was. I did'nt agree with some of the answers on the Quiz even though all the answers were scientifically proven.

  35. I think that the wired safety was better if you wanted to know facts about internet safety, but the isafe was better if you wanted an example of what some people will do.

  36. As for the wired video, I think it's great that they identified the facts, from the myths. It helps clear up some of the propaganda floating around.

  37. I thought that the second video was very disturbing, and that they made that video in order to scare us and warn us to be very careful online. Where as the first video focused on the facts and on making sure that we knew what is fact and what is myth. The two videos both made impacts on me, each very different from each other.

  38. I thought that this video was a little scary. I did think that it was interesting though. It helped me understand more about internet safety and what could be out there. I thought that it was weird what strange people are out there.

  39. I think that the first video with the real actors had a real message and the second one was like a joke in a way and it was funny not serious.

  40. The first one was weird but true. Even if someone is going through a ruff time they shouldn't meet with someone from online. The first and second and videos were similar because the victims were both going to meet a weird old guy. In the first one it was a boy thinking he was going to meet a girl and in the second one it was the opposite. No matter what teens and everybody else should be careful online.

  41. I THINK THE VIDEO with the boy gives me more info. It makes me realize that he can pretend to be someone else using a different picture. the other two are too brief.

  42. I thought that video verey scary .I think it is rely scary. I thank the scary video bettre .

  43. The video was intense and a little scary. It is a good video to show that, not everybody is a angel.

    The animated is njot scary and just is a good quik example about internet safety and try not to give too information about yourself.

  44. I thought that the first video ( the non animated one), was really creepy even though it wasn't real and the kid had no common sense what so ever. But I also thought that it was very fake.

    The animated video was not as scary, but was a more realistic sketch on what could happen and who was on the other keyboard.

  45. That's exactly what I thought when I was watching the video and slide show. The media sends these stupid messages and everyone believes them...

  46. That video wasn't real or realistic. I mean, it's kid of scary, but it's not what happens...

  47. I think that these two video's are giving us two very different messages. The one with the boy in it is telling us that you cant trust who you are talking to online, because they might not be who you think they are. The other video states that most sexual predators will tell you who they are and how old they are. I think that they both give you good information, and no matter which one connects to you better, the big message is, be careful online with people you have not met.

  48. I thought that the powerpoint was much more about fact, whereas the 2nd video seemed to be based off of more of a certain storyline. They both got you to think hard about internet safety, just in different ways. The powerpoint brought important numbers, percentages, and information to your attention, while the 2nd video used more pressure, and tried to scare you more. Both videos teach you about sexual predators and how careful you have to be online, it depends on which one works better for you. The bottom line is that you have to be careful of what you say and do on the internet.

  49. The second video was also a little startling. When the Man's hand shot out and took the phone it startled me a little. Also, I know it was just a video, but what did the Man have against the kid? It really warns you about sexual predators. Both of the videos really get there point across; be careful online, you never know what it could lead up to. The powerpoint was more informational though, it was more fact. It told me more stuff than the second video did.

  50. I also thought that is video was quite scary because it is true. I also think that it is very odd that an old man was try to take the other boy. I also think that it is good that this video scares us because then we will learn our lesson and be will not get in the car with other strangers that we do not know. :P

  51. The second video I thought was very frightening because it was real and just think if that was you that was being chased by that guy. It would be scary. The first video was a little less scary because it was animated, but it told you true facts which were scary.

  52. they were very similar but the one with real people was more scary because the guy attacked the little kid

  53. @frank
    Which video gave you a more reliable perspective on internet safety?

  54. I think the video with the man in the car was more effective, but was probably not as true as the other. The car one seemed more realistic even though it is not.

  55. The wired safety video was a little boring but gave more information. The guy with the truck looked realistic but according to the wired safety video it was not realistic.

  56. the scary one was stereo-typical propaganda. i think it was more effective, but the facts are that only 3% of children who are kidnapped were kidnapped against their will. there was no reason to make such a scary video. the more informative video was much more realistic.

  57. @mrs tumenas
    i thought that the one with real people put the thought deeper into my mind because it was scary and it told me that those people are really there

  58. I thought that the first video was a better video because it shows how real it is. Both videos had the same message but a different way to show it.

  59. I thought the first video would instill fear in kids but the second video sounded more realistic. It sounds to me that instances in both videos. An instance in the second video would be more likely than the first one.

  60. the two videos are both showing how most people imagine this kind of thing happens. the first video gives you the general idea, but the second video tells you what is reality.

  61. I think that the one with the car is more scary but the other is more likely to happen.

  62. They are both scary, but, the one that talks is more plausible; but the movie was very affective in scaring me more.

  63. The video of the kid getting chased in the school I think is more effective because it scares kids to be safer on the internet. But the other video was more real.

  64. I think that the animated video would not have the same affect on children as the video of the man in the truck would. Also, the animated video showed you only people meeting on a chat room, and planning to meet, unlike the video of the man in the truck, in which they did actually meet.

  65. I thought that the video with the guy in the truck got your heart beating and it seemed more realistic

  66. those video's are really weird, creepy and scary

  67. well i thought the really people video was really scary and i am going to be really safe now and i already was but more protected. But after i watched the second video i realized that that does happen SOMETIMES but not all the time and the realityis that if you are safe than it will not happen.

  68. i think that the pickup truck guy video had much more effect on me. it had more action and cought my attention better.

  69. Both of these awareness posts are very scary, but the one that talks to you seems more plausible, and gives you straight facts. The video scared me more, though it seems less plausible, still it was completely terrifying. These posts have opened up my mind, this happens to people everyday, I hope I never become one.

  70. We, as people, need to look out for these people, do not show personal info, do not reply to a message you don't know,(the person) and watch out; these people are every wear.

  71. i think that the movie made by the kid and his teacher was more effective because i believe that seeing a real person in a movie makes it more real and that really screams to you that it is actually happening instead of a guy reading statistics that you can't really visualize.

  72. I thought that the first video would instill fear in kids but the second video sounded more realistic. *I think that instances in both cases could happen but an instance like the one in the first video would be very unlikely.

  73. I think that the video seemed alot more realistic but, the slide said that online predators dont usually lie about their age. The person usually knows that they are talking to an adult, but I get what the video was trying to get out there.

  74. I found the video with the man in the truck much much more attention grabbing, especially when he pinned down the boy in the school, that was horrifying. The animated video, I thought, was just kind of funny and only showed the people talking, not actually meeting.

  75. I thought the animated one was funny because it was so stereotyped with that greasy man who appears in all internet safety videos.

  76. The one with the man in the truck was more scary, because it showed them actually meeting and the boy going with him. The animated one was scary as well, but it only showed how he got her to agree to meet him somewhere. Altogether the guy in the truck video was more accurate.

  77. this video was creepy. also this is somewhat false. very few predatory actions happen because of leaving information

  78. I think that the person in the predator video should have left the building first and then call the police. He should also never listen to strangers and if he does he did the right thing to get out of the car and run.

  79. The "Predator" video was more of a live action video....the other videos were more informational. The video with the muppets was probably more geared to older children because of the visuals. The "Predator Panic" video was probably more directed to adults with advice for parents, on how to talk to your children about internet safety.

  80. I think the predator video was a lot better because it gave you a visual of what could happen where as the other videos just talked about why it was bad. I also liked the action and suspense of the predator video.

  81. In the video where the woman was telling us about predators I think that she was right about things that she said but I also think that she took the thing way to seriously.

  82. I thought that the first video was really fake and was made to scare kids and make parents be overprotective. The other two videos showed real statistics and showed that if someone got assaulted it was usually someone they knew.

  83. The first video that we saw with the kid seems unreal to me. If someone wanted to meet that I meat on line I would say no. Its common sense. But the video makes the watcher feel scared and will remember that video more then the other two. The last two videos are more realistic and tell you real facts. Although the last two videos were more realistic, the first video made a bigger impact on me.

  84. Comparison between the Predator video and the two realistic videos-
    When the class watched the Predator video I was completely terrified. In real life would a kid go meet some stranger from the Internet? When we had a chance to watch the other, more realistic, videos my perspective completely changed. These videos talked about how not everyone is effected by Predators. Only a few kids are really ever effected by this. They also stay that even though we should be aware of the dangers, we should not be afraid of the Internet. There is so much to learn about the Internet. If we are constantly afraid of it than how can we learn the techniques that will help us for the rest of our lives? The Predator video defiantly explains what MIGHT happen, but it is over exaggerated. We should always be aware of the potential dangers of the internet. But there is a great opportunity of learning out there as well. Between these videos I learned that I should always be careful, but I do not have to be afraid.

  85. The video that shows a predator chasing a boy can exaggerate that every time you are on the computer a predator will come and get you. The video with the puppets states that most people who use the computer will not get taken by a predator. The video with the woman says that going outside is just as, or less dangerous than using a computer.

  86. in the first video with the kid it made it seem easy to have this happen to you, and like it happens all the time. But in the second two videos they say how its not that common and how few people this actually happens to. sot the first one isn't that real and it just scares people to be more careful.

  87. The first two videos made it look like predators were rare, but still out there. The other one with the boy and the predator made it look like predators were around every corner and you cant put any information about yourself or you will be tracked and something bad will happen.

  88. The first video about the man in the truck, is very creepy, and gets the point across nicely but is not that accurate. The other two are just people talking so they do not grab your attention so much, but they are more accurate. The first one is more interesting but less informative and the second and third ones are more boring but more accurate

  89. the difference between these videos is the first one warns you about leaving information on the internet, and the other two are warning you about being over protective, and also that very little predatory actions happen because, of information on the internet.

  90. The video I downloaded is very different from the two that I found on the internet. The two online talk about how if you were to put your personal information online, there is only a small chance of being tricked and deceived. The one that I downloaded showed how dangerous it is to show personal info online. The young boy was chased and tricked and he wasn't safe. I personally think that the two online were more realistic and the other one was kind of over dramatic.

  91. i thought the predator video was more entertaining but the other two told more true stuff

  92. I think that the predator video was a bit less real, and the internet videos were more true. The Internet is defenitly dangerous but not extremely.

  93. In the first video they talk about what would happen if you meet someone online and they give an example. In the other two videos they talk just about what is internet safety and haw to stop online predators.

  94. These two vids are not trying to scare you, they are saying you should be aware of these online predaters but not so freaked out by it. The other video about the man and the kid, it makes you scared and nervous, i dont agree with that. There is not much of a great chance that, that could happen, although it could, you still dont need to get that worked up about it.

  95. the first video was the worst scenario of what could happen it you meet someone online, and that was more scary because it is more of a story, but the other ones where people talking about the different views about internet safety.

  96. The video in class was scary ,the other one was just a talk , not scary,the one with the puppets was not scary, and a talk.

  97. IN the first video the people talk about how most kids on the internet do not meet people in person and how to avoid predenors. In the second video a boy gets pick up by a man in a car. I think this is unrelistick because most kids are smart and know not to get in a car with a man you dont know.

  98. The truck video is plain out weird. First of all why did the kid get in the truck with that guy? I found it creepy and weird. This video showed what can happen to a kid putting up useful information for someone who is a creeper.
    The "Predator" video was just talking about online safety. It was literally just informing you about putting information online.
    The video with puppets was also just telling about kids putting information online. The puppets were saying how kids [usually don't meet the person they are talking to over the internet and they were just saying that most kids are smarter than adults think.

  99. The video about the weird pervert who was chasing the poor kid was definitely a interesting video. It had allot of truth in it about the internet and what can happen when you share personal information about yourself to a random stranger. It showed what was the affect when you trusted a random pedestrian online with you personal information,and you trusted them about the information they shared with you about them self.
    The predator videos was more of talking about the affects of when you post personal information online about yourself and others. It was the same as the first video in the way that instead of showing the affects it talked about what are more things that you should be careful of as well as posting stuff about yourself.

  100. The first video was not very realistic because most kidnappings do not start on the internet. The second video was more upfront and saying what actually happens. The third video was saying that they should not scary kids about the internet.

  101. I think that in the three videos there are a lot of strong points and scary things that we should always be aware of. In the one with the guy and the pickup truck looked like something that would happen. Something that people should always be aware of and how not to share any personal info to anyone you don't know or anyone that can get to the information. In the video with the puppet hands was really wired and bloody and nasty. But also had the same fact of how to never share personal info online. The one of the woman talking said that its not usually fir someone to kill you. So yes internet safety is very serious and real but the likely hod of of someone killing you at home isn't that big of a chance.

  102. I think that the video with the women and the video with with the puppets are right. The one with the predator is just exaggerating. It makes people really scared about something that is really rare.

  103. they have a strong point and people should express it more out of school

  104. I was shocked about the video with the kid who agreed to get in the truck with the man and didn't even think he was a predator. The one with the puppets gave a lot of good examples and facts.

  105. The kid is kind of stupid because when he sees a grown up with a mustache in a truck, why would he do that. The puppets are cool, the woman agrees with the puppets

  106. I think the predator video about the boy was not realistick but the other ones told me about internet safety. The one with the dolls were telling me that there wasn't anything to worry about, which was weird.

  107. the videos were about children being abducted by scary fat men they met online and thought they were 16 year old girls. One video showed a child being abducted, another showed a woman talking about how children are very rarely abducted by people they met online and the last one was about some puppets who killed bathroom signs and thought that children were abducted by people met online, but not that often; only 2 aout of 3,ooo children were hurt or abducted by people they met online

  108. The videos were very interesting, the last video does really make you less stressed about predators.

  109. From the fat guy video it seemed that they were saying the internet is a bad place by showing a fat guy chasing a boy who though he was talking to a girl on the internet. But in reality you just have to be smart about what you do or say, and not meet up with people you don't know. From the crying lady video, the woman way saying that the internet is a good place. In the crazy chainsaw sock puppet video they stated that the internet is a safe place, kids just have to be smart about their decisions and shouldn't be banned from the computer because of kidnapping creeps. They proved this with charts.

  110. The first video was about a kidnapper guy pretending to be a girl and telling some 16 year old boy to meet “her” and then abducted the boy. So never meet someone who you met online. Also when you are online be careful about what information you share.
    The second video was about a lady talking about not being attacked. She said that there would not be predators.
    The third one was showing how many people have gotten asked to meet somewhere and asked about personal information. And I thought that it was surprising how many people have been asked about personal information and being asked to meet.

  111. I think that the chainsaw one (the one where people were being hacked in many parts via chainsaw) was the most realistic video. It was educational and had a third party view on the subject. The other one that was educational was the one with the crying woman. She knew a lot about what she was talking about. The last one, the one about the old guy chasing the kid for unknown reasons, was not educational, and was very far fetched. The one with the chainsaw stated that only two out of hundreds of people actually met with the solicitor and were abused. That means that, that video was not real and that it only strikes fear into the hearts of all the people online watching that video. It would be very uncommon for that to happen to you or someone you know.

  112. The first video showed what could happen by talking to strangers on line. However, it depicted a hyperbole where a kid was physically kidnapped. The moral of the video, was not to go and meet people that you met online. The second and third videos basically told about the same thing. They basically told the truth straight up, about internet safety, which was different than what the first video showed. They said that meeting people from online organizations is dangerous, but that very, very, few teenagers have actually been assaulted, and in some ways, predators are almost at more risk of being sexually enticed, than children. One of the only differences between the last two videos, is that one was narrated by a professor at Harvard, while the other was narrated by two sock puppets with chainsaws.

  113. The first video was about a fat old man who disguised himself online as a 16 year-old girl and convinced a 17 year old boy to meet "her" outside a school. When the kid ran away, the man chased him and pinned him and at just the right moment, the cops came. This gave the idea that many people get abducted from people online. I thought this was stupid because no 17 year-old boy is dull enough to get in a car with a hairy old man. The next video was a woman speaking of how there is just an equal chance of being abducted from someone you meet online than someone you meet offline. This made more sense to me. Finally, the last video was of puppets showing bloody drawings of stick figures being cut in half which was proving that barely anyone gets abducted from people they meet online.

  114. The first video was about a child getting chased by a man who the boy thought was a 16 year old girl. The second video was about a woman telling people that kids don't get abducted as often as people say. The third video was about sock puppets explaining that a very low amount of children get harassed than people say. The difference between the 3 videos are that the first one is not really fact, and no kid would be stupid enough to do that. The other 2 videos are about fact and the facts about internet safety.

  115. The 3 different videos that were shown to us all are about One thing, internet safety. The first video was about a fat old man that posed as a teenage girl online. He meets this "girl" in person at a school and this man pulls up in a red truck and the kid gets in. later he runs away and calls the cops. when the cops come they arrest the guy. The second video was a woman talking about predators. That video was a little more realistic. The third and last video was two puppets showing statistics about internet safety. Over all I think that the best and most realistic one was the second.;

  116. A man was pretending to be a 16 year old girl, talking to a 17 year old boy on a website. The “girl” (really the man) told the boy to meet her at the library, and he abducted the 17 year old boy.
    A harvard scholar said that you most likely weren’t going to have a predator if you use a lot of media. The only way that you could possibly get a predator is by putting you gender down.
    Teenagers were probably not going to get abducted, and more adults then children will be told to meet for dinner by a stranger.
    I learned that no body should meet someone that they met inline in person, it is dangerous to do this. It is dangerous, because children can get abducted and physically abused. It is not safe to put your personal information online, if you don't you will most likely be safe.

  117. Note: I will refer to the videos as Bloody Mess, Fat Man, and Crying lady.

    I thought that it was very interesting to see the three points of view, but there are some parts of Fat Man and Crying Lady that I do not agree with. For example, in Fat Man, I think that children are not as stupid as the movie says they are; the majority of children understand that they should not meet someone that they only know from an online chat. The Crying Lady, however, is to relaxed about the threat of internet predators. Though I agree with her that it is not a huge threat, I believe that it is something that we should be thinking about as we are using social networking sites or chat rooms. What I liked about Bloody Mess was that they actually gave figures to support their position on the matter.

  118. The one with the fat child abductor has action and really explains a lot. The others just explain what not to do, the fat guy one mainly explains what happens if you try to meet up. But the puppet one says that if you meet up with some one online you probably wont get kidnapped.

  119. The first video emphasized an extremity about what can happen if you physically go to meet someone you met online. In the video, a teenage boy went to meet a girl, but instead, a kidnapper was waiting for him.The other two videos, held a similar view in accord to each other, but in some ways they disagreed with the first video. The last two videos, said that internet safety is a real issue, but kids, are very rarely abused, attacked, harassed, or assaulted, by people they met in a chat room. The second video, said that predators might even be more likely to be sexually enticed than children are. So the overall message, form the first video, was to be afraid of online predators, while the second and third videos, said that internet safety was a real concern, but, not to such an extent that people should freak out.

  120. Note: I will refer to the videos as Crying Lady, Fat Man, and Bloody Mess.

    I thought it was very interesting to hear about the different points of view on internet safety, but there were parts of Crying Lady and Fat Man that I did not agree with. I think Fat Man portrays young people much dumber than they actually are; the majority of children know not to meet someone face to face who they met online. Crying Lady, however, is to relaxed about the threat of internet predators. Though it is not a huge problem, it is something that we should keep in mind when talking to random people on social networking sites or chat rooms. What I liked about Bloody Mess was they actually gave figures that supported their position, and therefore I have reason to believe that they are right.

  121. The video evaluated some teenagers' screen time. One boy played 10-11 hrs. of xbox on weekends and 6 hrs. during the week. I play about 2 hrs. on the weekend and none at all during the week

    The pdf showed that 71% of kids have TVs in their bedrooms, and a lot of kids dont study well enough.

  122. The first video was about a sixteen year-old abducted by an extremely crazy sixty year old citizen. The second video was about kids putting information personal online but how the internet is not evil. The third video is about the percentage of kids seriously affected by meeting people over the internet. They present this by taking a fake chainsaw and killing stick figures. The first video was a bit unrealistic but not completely. It could happen, but it would be very unlikely. The second and third videos had more talking than action, and they were much more realistic.

  123. The pdf is really surprising because it is disturbing to see how much people play video games or listen to music or texting. It is also really surprising how many people listen to music when they are doing homework. The pdf is really surprising to me it is really amazing.

  124. The first video emphasized a hyperbolized situation in which, a teenage boy went to meet a “teenage girl” who he had met in a chat room. Instead, when he got to the place where they were supposed to meet, a kidnapper was waiting for him. The video strongly warned children of meeting people they met in a chat room. The second and third videos were in agreement on many topics, but there messages differed from the first video’s. For instance, they said that meeting people online and then going to see them in real life, is dangerous, but that very, vey few children and teens have been abused, assaulted, attacked, or harassed, by people they met online. They also said that in some ways predators, are at more risk of being sexually enticed, than kids. So, the bottom line is that the first video said that online safety is major concern to be afraid of, while the last two videos agreed that online safety is a concern, but only to a limited extent.

  125. The 1st video is about a young boy who meets "a teen girl" online. It then turns out to be a child rapist who lied about his age. The second video is about sock puppets explaining really how much of the time this really happens. And the third video is about how much most kids spend on media a day. One kid said that he spends 6hrs day every week and about 11 hrs on weekends. I spend about 2hrs to 2:30 and thats during the whole weekend!

  126. The three videos that we watched were all about internet safety. The first video we watched was about a teenage boy who was talking to a "16 year old girl" who they decided to meet. When the child went to meet the girl he was put into a car. The person inside was the "girl" that he was talking to but instead of a girl it was a very fat man who was a predator. Next video we watched was about a women who sounded like she was crying. She was talking about how people are scared about people attacking their children through the internet. In addition she was talking about how they should not be. The last video we watched was these sock puppets with chainsaws showing the statistics of kids who are raped or kidnapped. They also say how parents should not strangle their kids with the internet (which I do not agree with because my father works for companies to protect this and it is worse than people think).

  127. The three videos we watched in class are all very different. The video of the fat guy chasing the boy is kind of realistic, taught me not to talk to strangers, and scared me a lot. The other video with the cartoon character sock puppets talk about how it is realistic but rare. This video was informative and realistic. The last video was about the crying lady telling parents not to worry that much about kids being in danger on the internet. This video was effective and informative.

  128. I think that, the fat guy chasing the boy video was not realistic, but creepy. The crying lady is realistic, because she said that not a lot of kids are getting hurt. The puppet video, was sort of realistic, and didn't make sense.

  129. The fat man abducting the boy was the most dramatic, and interesting but it was not the most realistic. The puppet video had accurate facts and was very realistic but the graphics were not realistic. The crying lady video was affective because it told me true facts that were accurate and it was boring and did not keep me interested.

  130. I felt that the video of the man and the boy was pretty unrealistic. I don't think any kid is stupid enough to get in a 60 year old man's truck thinking that he will take him to his daughter. The video with the women said that posting information online doesn't actually motivate a predator. In the video with the puppets it says that very little people are actually asked to do something they don't want to. Also that parents should stop freaking out about predators and back off a little.

  131. I think the fat man video trying to maleste the boy was the most interesting. it wasn't the most realistic but it showed you what would happen. The puppet video had real facts about it and was the most realistic. But the crying lady video also had real facts about internet safety. she was saying how nothing would come out of your computer and get you. That is what I think about the three videos

  132. The videos that we watched about sex ting were mainly about what it is and how many people request or send sexts. The statistics were pretty shocking, they said that 1/3 of teens sext. Another one of the videos that we watched had an Australian woman talking about how a girl sent a sext to her boyfriend and the boyfriend forwarded that to everyone in the class.

  133. the one with the kid being chased by the fat man was about a kid who thought he met a 16 year old girl online and then it turned out to be a child rapist and he was chased around by him until the child called the police and the poolice came and took the fat man away. They lesson i learned in this video was to not trust antone online that you don't know and meet them in a place.

  134. The videos we watched in computer class were informing. The fat man abducting the boy was the most effective to me because it puts fear into you so you will know what to expect. The crying lady tells you a lot of information which is good. he pupetts tell you a lot of information in a kid friendly way beacause it is in cartoon style. These videos taught me a lot.

  135. This video is about that a kid who was chased by a huge guy and i don't really know what was happening but he met someone on the internet and wanted to meet in person . The huge guy lied to the little guy and said that he was a teen and yah.
